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  • Odpověď: Update na 10: Download error #4791

    Zkoušel jsem i přes DFU (držení sleep a home a pak se zobrazí logo itunes a usb kabel).

    Zde log při 9.3.3 public beta 5 a originálním profilem z a pokus o 10 public beta:

    Jul  8 15:26:13 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[167]: Update found for scan options: 
                    Publisher: Apple Inc.
                    HumanReadableUpdateName: iOS 10 Public Beta 1
                    ProductSystemName: iOS
                    ProductBuildVersion: 14A5297c
                    ReleaseType: Beta
                    DownloadSize: 1717928319
                    UnarchiveSize: 1836573696
                    MSUPrepareSize: 0
                    PreparationSize: 1836573696
                    InstallationSize: 693768192
                    UpdateType: Full
                    Downloadable: Yes
                    DownloadableOverCellular: Yes
                    AutoDownloadableOverCellular: Yes
                    StreamingZipCapable: 1
                    TotalRequiredFreeSpace: 2530341888
                        hasReadMeSummary: Yes
                        hasReadMe: No
                        hasLicenseAgreement: Yes
                        humanReadableUpdateName: iOS 10 Public Beta 1
                    SiriVoiceDeletion: 0
                    CDLevel4Deletion: 0
                    appDemotionDisabled: 0
                    installTonightDisabled: 0
                    rampEnabled: 1
    Jul  8 15:26:13 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[167]: hasEnoughDiskSpace: actual free space: 9269047296
    Jul  8 15:26:13 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[167]: hasEnoughDiskSpace: required space: 2580341888 
    Jul  8 15:26:13 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[167]: hasEnoughDiskSpace: growth: 534384640
    Jul  8 15:26:13 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[167]: hasEnoughDiskSpace: reported free space: 9111760896
    Jul  8 15:26:13 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[167]: hasEnoughDiskSpace: we have enough space now
    Jul  8 15:26:13 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[167]: device does have enough space for download
    Jul  8 15:26:13 iPhone Preferences[192]: System container path is /private/var/containers/Data/System/F1B3EEB4-F54D-44B8-B0F5-72F1DCB9BB76
    Jul  8 15:26:13 iPhone Preferences[192]: requiredSpace = 2580341888
    Jul  8 15:26:13 iPhone Preferences[192]: updatedSystemPartitionSize = 3645898752
    Jul  8 15:26:13 iPhone Preferences[192]: systemPartitionSize = 3111514112
    Jul  8 15:26:13 iPhone Preferences[192]: systemPartitionGrowth = 534384640
    Jul  8 15:26:13 iPhone Preferences[192]: requiredSpace = 2580341888
    Jul  8 15:26:13 iPhone Preferences[192]: hasEnoughDiskSpace: actual free space: 9269047296
    Jul  8 15:26:13 iPhone Preferences[192]: hasEnoughDiskSpace: required space: 2580341888 
    Jul  8 15:26:13 iPhone Preferences[192]: hasEnoughDiskSpace: growth: 534384640
    Jul  8 15:26:13 iPhone Preferences[192]: hasEnoughDiskSpace: reported free space: 9111760896
    Jul  8 15:26:13 iPhone Preferences[192]: hasEnoughDiskSpace: we have enough space now
    Jul  8 15:26:15 iPhone Preferences[192]: call_and_response: Error from server
    Jul  8 15:26:15 iPhone Preferences[192]: Unable to simultaneously satisfy constraints.
            Probably at least one of the constraints in the following list is one you don't want. 
            Try this: 
                (1) look at each constraint and try to figure out which you don't expect; 
                (2) find the code that added the unwanted constraint or constraints and fix it. 
            "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x1480cc600 V:|-(20)-[UIInputSetContainerView]   (Names: '|':UIRemoteKeyboardWindow:0x1480caf10 )>",
            "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x1480cee00 'UIInputWindowController-top' V:|-(0)-[UIInputSetContainerView]   (Names: '|':UIRemoteKeyboardWindow:0x1480caf10 )>"
        Will attempt to recover by breaking constraint 
        <NSLayoutConstraint:0x1480cc600 V:|-(20)-[UIInputSetContainerView]   (Names: '|':UIRemoteKeyboardWindow:0x1480caf10 )>
        Make a symbolic breakpoint at UIViewAlertForUnsatisfiableConstraints to catch this in the debugger.
        The methods in the UIConstraintBasedLayoutDebugging category on UIView listed in <UIKit/UIView.h> may also be helpful.
    Jul  8 15:26:15 iPhone Preferences[192]: Can't find keyplane that supports type 4 for keyboard iPhone-Portrait-NumberPad; using 563160167_Portrait_iPhone-Simple-Pad_Default
    Jul  8 15:26:17 iPhone Preferences[192]: (Error) MC: Could not unlock device. Error: NSError:
        Desc   : Chybný kód.
        US Desc: Wrong passcode.
        Domain : MCPasscodeErrorDomain
        Code   : 5011
        Type   : MCFatalError
    Jul  8 15:26:25 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[167]: Sytem partition growth = 534384640 bytes
    Jul  8 15:26:25 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[167]: Starting space checks for download
    Jul  8 15:26:25 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[167]: hasEnoughDiskSpace: actual free space: 9268793344
    Jul  8 15:26:25 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[167]: hasEnoughDiskSpace: required space: 2530341888 
    Jul  8 15:26:25 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[167]: hasEnoughDiskSpace: growth: 534384640
    Jul  8 15:26:25 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[167]: hasEnoughDiskSpace: reported free space: 9111506944
    Jul  8 15:26:25 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[167]: hasEnoughDiskSpace: we have enough space now
    Jul  8 15:26:25 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[167]: Ending/clearing any oustanding autodownload tasks and state
    Jul  8 15:26:25 iPhone softwareupdated[49]: 6e1bb000 : Unexpected XPC error on peer connection: Connection invalid
    Jul  8 15:26:25 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[167]: Download SUDownloadPhaseBrainExtracting phase completed.
    Jul  8 15:26:25 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[167]: Software update download phase changed from SUDownloadPhaseBrainExtracting to SUDownloadPhaseFetchingQueuedLocal.
    Jul  8 15:26:28 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[167]: Software update daemon continuing to run - busy.
    Jul  8 15:26:32 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[167]: Software update download phase changed from SUDownloadPhaseFetchingQueuedLocal to SUDownloadPhaseFetching.
    Jul  8 15:26:43 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[167]: Software update daemon continuing to run - busy.
    Jul  8 15:26:58 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[167]: Software update daemon continuing to run - busy.
    Jul  8 15:27:13 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[167]: Software update daemon continuing to run - busy.
    Jul  8 15:27:28 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[167]: Software update daemon continuing to run - busy.
    Jul  8 15:27:43 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[167]: Software update daemon continuing to run - busy.
    Jul  8 15:27:58 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[167]: Software update daemon continuing to run - busy.
    Jul  8 15:28:13 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[167]: Software update daemon continuing to run - busy.
    Jul  8 15:28:29 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[167]: Software update daemon continuing to run - busy.
    Jul  8 15:28:44 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[167]: Software update daemon continuing to run - busy.
    Jul  8 15:28:59 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[167]: Software update daemon continuing to run - busy.
    Jul  8 15:29:14 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[167]: Software update daemon continuing to run - busy.
    Jul  8 15:29:29 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[167]: Software update daemon continuing to run - busy.
    Jul  8 15:29:44 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[167]: Software update daemon continuing to run - busy.
    Jul  8 15:29:59 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[167]: Software update daemon continuing to run - busy.
    Jul  8 15:30:14 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[167]: Software update daemon continuing to run - busy.
    Jul  8 15:30:29 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[167]: Software update daemon continuing to run - busy.
    Jul  8 15:30:44 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[167]: Software update daemon continuing to run - busy.
    Jul  8 15:30:59 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[167]: Software update daemon continuing to run - busy.
    Jul  8 15:31:14 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[167]: Software update daemon continuing to run - busy.
    Jul  8 15:31:29 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[167]: Software update daemon continuing to run - busy.
    Jul  8 15:31:45 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[167]: Software update daemon continuing to run - busy.
    Jul  8 15:32:00 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[167]: Software update daemon continuing to run - busy.
    Jul  8 15:32:15 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[167]: Software update daemon continuing to run - busy.
    Jul  8 15:32:30 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[167]: Software update daemon continuing to run - busy.
    Jul  8 15:32:45 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[167]: Software update daemon continuing to run - busy.
    Jul  8 15:33:00 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[167]: Software update daemon continuing to run - busy.
    Jul  8 15:33:15 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[167]: Software update daemon continuing to run - busy.
    Jul  8 15:33:30 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[167]: Software update daemon continuing to run - busy.
    Jul  8 15:33:45 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[167]: Software update daemon continuing to run - busy.
    Jul  8 15:33:47 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[167]: Download failed with error: Error Code=-1 "(null)" UserInfo={NSUnderlyingError=0x15ed04ac0 {Error Domain=ASError Code=-1 "(null)" UserInfo={Operation=DownloadingAsset, NSUnderlyingError=0x15ed419f0 {Error Domain=SZExtractorErrorDomain Code=2 "CRC mismatch (0x47c5229a | 0x4b6bb72a) for file AssetData/payloadv2/payload" UserInfo={NSFilePath=AssetData/payloadv2/payload, SZExtractorFileOffsetErrorKey=1713716159, SZExtractorSourceFileLineErrorKey=1206, SZExtractorFunctionNameErrorKey=-[StreamingUnzipper _supplyBytes:length:withReply:], NSLocalizedDescription=CRC mismatch (0x47c5229a | 0x4b6bb72a) for file AssetData/payloadv2/payload}}}}}
    Jul  8 15:33:47 iPhone Preferences[192]: requiredSpace = 2580341888
    Jul  8 15:33:47 iPhone Preferences[192]: updatedSystemPartitionSize = 3645898752
    Jul  8 15:33:47 iPhone Preferences[192]: systemPartitionSize = 3111514112
    Jul  8 15:33:47 iPhone Preferences[192]: systemPartitionGrowth = 534384640
    Jul  8 15:33:47 iPhone Preferences[192]: requiredSpace = 2580341888
    Jul  8 15:33:47 iPhone Preferences[192]: hasEnoughDiskSpace: actual free space: 9267085312
    Jul  8 15:33:47 iPhone Preferences[192]: hasEnoughDiskSpace: required space: 2580341888 
    Jul  8 15:33:47 iPhone Preferences[192]: hasEnoughDiskSpace: growth: 534384640
    Jul  8 15:33:47 iPhone Preferences[192]: hasEnoughDiskSpace: reported free space: 9109798912
    Jul  8 15:33:47 iPhone Preferences[192]: hasEnoughDiskSpace: we have enough space now
    Jul  8 15:34:17 iPhone Preferences[192]: requiredSpace = 2580341888
    Jul  8 15:34:17 iPhone Preferences[192]: updatedSystemPartitionSize = 3645898752
    Jul  8 15:34:17 iPhone Preferences[192]: systemPartitionSize = 3111514112
    Jul  8 15:34:17 iPhone Preferences[192]: systemPartitionGrowth = 534384640
    Jul  8 15:34:17 iPhone Preferences[192]: requiredSpace = 2580341888
    Jul  8 15:34:17 iPhone Preferences[192]: hasEnoughDiskSpace: actual free space: 9265299456
    Jul  8 15:34:17 iPhone Preferences[192]: hasEnoughDiskSpace: required space: 2580341888 
    Jul  8 15:34:17 iPhone Preferences[192]: hasEnoughDiskSpace: growth: 534384640
    Jul  8 15:34:17 iPhone Preferences[192]: hasEnoughDiskSpace: reported free space: 9108013056
    Jul  8 15:34:17 iPhone Preferences[192]: hasEnoughDiskSpace: we have enough space now
    Jul  8 15:34:19 iPhone Preferences[192]: requiredSpace = 2580341888
    Jul  8 15:34:19 iPhone Preferences[192]: updatedSystemPartitionSize = 3645898752
    Jul  8 15:34:19 iPhone Preferences[192]: systemPartitionSize = 3111514112
    Jul  8 15:34:19 iPhone Preferences[192]: systemPartitionGrowth = 534384640
    Jul  8 15:34:19 iPhone Preferences[192]: requiredSpace = 2580341888
    Jul  8 15:34:19 iPhone Preferences[192]: hasEnoughDiskSpace: actual free space: 9264848896
    Jul  8 15:34:19 iPhone Preferences[192]: hasEnoughDiskSpace: required space: 2580341888 
    Jul  8 15:34:19 iPhone Preferences[192]: hasEnoughDiskSpace: growth: 534384640
    Jul  8 15:34:19 iPhone Preferences[192]: hasEnoughDiskSpace: reported free space: 9107562496
    Jul  8 15:34:19 iPhone Preferences[192]: hasEnoughDiskSpace: we have enough space now

    Téma: Update na 10: Download error #323

    Ahoj, víc hlav víc ví, takže Vás tímto prosím o radu. Iphone SE, měl jsem public betu 9.3.3, pak přešel na první developer betu 10. Vše ok do doby vydání dvojky. Při OTA aktualizaci mi nešlo odkliknout souhlas u podmínek a pak to vyhodilo po stáhnoutí oty chybu. Udělal jsem downgrade na 9.3.2, už mi jde odsouhlasit podmínky, ale dále je to pořád stejné. Ať už u developeru, tak u public bety. Vše se chová korektně do doby než se soubor dotáhne, pak opět chyba stažení. Všechny resety, ověření volného místa, ad. už mám za sebou a chyba zůstává. Pokud udělám místo oty nahrátí přes Itunes (developer beta2 ipsw) místo download chyby po nahrátí error 14. Ipsw na public betu jsem nenašel, ale asi by to bylo stejné. Něco je prostě špatně, ale nemůžu přijít na to co. Na netu jsem toho moc nenašel. Někde píšou, že přetížené servery, ale toto je nesmysl. Ze 20 pokusů za dva dni dost těžko, navíc ta chyba vyskočí hned co zmízí 1s odhadu dotažení. Někde radí downgrade, reset až po vtipný restart wifi routeru. NIcméně toto vše jsem zkoušel už opakovaně. Nejvtipnější na tom celém je, že při jednom obnovení se mi spolu s 9.3.2 obnovil i profil na public betu 9 a bez problémů mi to dotáhlo 9.3.3 public beta 5 :-D Log: Code: Jul 7 21:26:23 iPhone[114]: a049e000 : Disabling unmounting when resizing.Jul 7 21:26:23 iPhone[114]: 6e113000 : could not deserialize CommandParametersJul 7 21:26:23 iPhone[114]: 6e113000 : Cleaning up unused prepared updatesJul 7 21:26:23 iPhone[114]: libMobileGestalt MobileGestaltCache.c:55: cache 13F69 doesn't match OS 13G34Jul 7 21:26:23 iPhone[114]: 6e113000 : entering adjust_partition_preflightJul 7 21:26:23 iPhone[114]: 6e113000 : partition:2 requiredSize=0Jul 7 21:26:23 iPhone[114]: 6e113000 : update partition does not existJul 7 21:26:23 iPhone[114]: 6e113000 : entering maximize_data_partitionJul 7 21:26:23 iPhone[114]: 6e113000 : entering adjust_partition_preflightJul 7 21:26:23 iPhone[114]: 6e113000 : partition:1 requiredSize=4503599627370496Jul 7 21:26:23 iPhone[114]: 6e113000 : maximizing data partition to 12732514303 bytesJul 7 21:26:23 iPhone[114]: 6e113000 : entering adjust_partition_preflightJul 7 21:26:23 iPhone[114]: 6e113000 : partition:1 requiredSize=3108524Jul 7 21:26:23 iPhone[114]: 6e113000 : no change in sizeJul 7 21:30:12 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: Starting the server.Jul 7 21:30:12 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: System container path is /private/var/containers/Data/System/64B40363-BD33-42B8-9DFF-FB61371D49AFJul 7 21:30:12 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: New OS detected; resetting all prior state.Jul 7 21:30:12 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: State reset complete.Jul 7 21:30:12 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: Scheduled new auto-scan for type: Not Specified, start: 07.07.16 21:30, end: 08.07.16 4:30 (prev end date: (null))Jul 7 21:30:12 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: Scheduled new auto-scan for type: Emergency, start: 07.07.16 21:30, end: 08.07.16 1:30 (prev end date: (null))Jul 7 21:30:12 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: Added client:, count: 1Jul 7 21:30:13 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: Received event: 7 21:30:13 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: Scanning for new OTA software update...Jul 7 21:30:13 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: Scheduled new auto-scan for type: Not Specified, start: 08.07.16 4:30, end: 15.07.16 4:30 (prev end date: 08.07.16 4:30)Jul 7 21:30:13 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: Received event: 7 21:30:13 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: Scheduled new auto-scan for type: Emergency, start: 08.07.16 1:30, end: 09.07.16 1:30 (prev end date: 08.07.16 1:30)Jul 7 21:30:14 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: Ramp is enabled in asset XML and scan is a background scan. Ignoring the updateJul 7 21:30:14 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: Automatic scan for types [Not Specified, Emergency] failed with error: Error Code=3 "(null)"Jul 7 21:32:00 iPhone Preferences[255]: opening backingstore /var/wireless/Library/Databases/DataUsage.sqlite, read-onlyJul 7 21:32:00 iPhone Preferences[255]: BTM: attaching to BTServerJul 7 21:32:06 iPhone Preferences[255]: MIS: Blacklist does not exist.Jul 7 21:32:06 iPhone Preferences[255]: MIS: Using empty blacklist.Jul 7 21:32:06 iPhone Preferences[255]: MIS: Blacklist does not exist.Jul 7 21:32:06 iPhone Preferences[255]: MIS: Using empty blacklist.Jul 7 21:32:06 iPhone Preferences[255]: MIS: Blacklist does not exist.Jul 7 21:32:06 iPhone Preferences[255]: MIS: Using empty blacklist.Jul 7 21:32:06 iPhone Preferences[255]: MIS: Blacklist does not exist.Jul 7 21:32:06 iPhone Preferences[255]: MIS: Using empty blacklist.Jul 7 21:32:06 iPhone Preferences[255]: MIS: Blacklist does not exist.Jul 7 21:32:06 iPhone Preferences[255]: MIS: Using empty blacklist.Jul 7 21:32:06 iPhone Preferences[255]: MIS: Blacklist does not exist.Jul 7 21:32:06 iPhone Preferences[255]: MIS: Using empty blacklist.Jul 7 21:32:06 iPhone Preferences[255]: MIS: Blacklist does not exist.Jul 7 21:32:06 iPhone Preferences[255]: MIS: Using empty blacklist.Jul 7 21:32:06 iPhone Preferences[255]: MIS: Blacklist does not exist.Jul 7 21:32:06 iPhone Preferences[255]: MIS: Using empty blacklist.Jul 7 21:32:06 iPhone Preferences[255]: MIS: Blacklist does not exist.Jul 7 21:32:06 iPhone Preferences[255]: MIS: Using empty blacklist.Jul 7 21:32:06 iPhone Preferences[255]: MIS: Blacklist does not exist.Jul 7 21:32:06 iPhone Preferences[255]: MIS: Using empty blacklist.Jul 7 21:32:06 iPhone Preferences[255]: MIS: Blacklist does not exist.Jul 7 21:32:06 iPhone Preferences[255]: MIS: Using empty blacklist.Jul 7 21:32:06 iPhone Preferences[255]: MIS: Blacklist does not exist.Jul 7 21:32:06 iPhone Preferences[255]: MIS: Using empty blacklist.Jul 7 21:32:06 iPhone Preferences[255]: MIS: Blacklist does not exist.Jul 7 21:32:06 iPhone Preferences[255]: MIS: Using empty blacklist.Jul 7 21:32:06 iPhone Preferences[255]: MIS: Blacklist does not exist.Jul 7 21:32:06 iPhone Preferences[255]: MIS: Using empty blacklist.Jul 7 21:32:06 iPhone Preferences[255]: MIS: Blacklist does not exist.Jul 7 21:32:06 iPhone Preferences[255]: MIS: Using empty blacklist.Jul 7 21:32:06 iPhone Preferences[255]: MIS: Blacklist does not exist.Jul 7 21:32:06 iPhone Preferences[255]: MIS: Using empty blacklist.Jul 7 21:32:06 iPhone Preferences[255]: MIS: Blacklist does not exist.Jul 7 21:32:06 iPhone Preferences[255]: MIS: Using empty blacklist.Jul 7 21:32:06 iPhone Preferences[255]: MIS: Blacklist does not exist.Jul 7 21:32:06 iPhone Preferences[255]: MIS: Using empty blacklist.Jul 7 21:32:06 iPhone Preferences[255]: MIS: Blacklist does not exist.Jul 7 21:32:06 iPhone Preferences[255]: MIS: Using empty blacklist.Jul 7 21:32:06 iPhone Preferences[255]: MIS: Blacklist does not exist.Jul 7 21:32:06 iPhone Preferences[255]: MIS: Using empty blacklist.Jul 7 21:32:06 iPhone Preferences[255]: MIS: Blacklist does not exist.Jul 7 21:32:06 iPhone Preferences[255]: MIS: Using empty blacklist.Jul 7 21:32:06 iPhone Preferences[255]: MIS: Blacklist does not exist.Jul 7 21:32:06 iPhone Preferences[255]: MIS: Using empty blacklist.Jul 7 21:32:06 iPhone Preferences[255]: MIS: Blacklist does not exist.Jul 7 21:32:06 iPhone Preferences[255]: MIS: Using empty blacklist.Jul 7 21:32:06 iPhone Preferences[255]: MIS: Blacklist does not exist.Jul 7 21:32:06 iPhone Preferences[255]: MIS: Using empty blacklist.Jul 7 21:32:06 iPhone Preferences[255]: MIS: Blacklist does not exist.Jul 7 21:32:06 iPhone Preferences[255]: MIS: Using empty blacklist.Jul 7 21:32:06 iPhone Preferences[255]: MIS: Blacklist does not exist.Jul 7 21:32:06 iPhone Preferences[255]: MIS: Using empty blacklist.Jul 7 21:32:06 iPhone Preferences[255]: MIS: Blacklist does not exist.Jul 7 21:32:06 iPhone Preferences[255]: MIS: Using empty blacklist.Jul 7 21:32:06 iPhone Preferences[255]: MIS: Blacklist does not exist.Jul 7 21:32:06 iPhone Preferences[255]: MIS: Using empty blacklist.Jul 7 21:32:06 iPhone Preferences[255]: MIS: Blacklist does not exist.Jul 7 21:32:06 iPhone Preferences[255]: MIS: Using empty blacklist.Jul 7 21:32:06 iPhone Preferences[255]: MIS: Blacklist does not exist.Jul 7 21:32:06 iPhone Preferences[255]: MIS: Using empty blacklist.Jul 7 21:32:06 iPhone Preferences[255]: MIS: Blacklist does not exist.Jul 7 21:32:06 iPhone Preferences[255]: MIS: Using empty blacklist.Jul 7 21:32:06 iPhone Preferences[255]: MIS: Blacklist does not exist.Jul 7 21:32:06 iPhone Preferences[255]: MIS: Using empty blacklist.Jul 7 21:32:06 iPhone Preferences[255]: MIS: Blacklist does not exist.Jul 7 21:32:06 iPhone Preferences[255]: MIS: Using empty blacklist.Jul 7 21:32:06 iPhone Preferences[255]: MIS: Blacklist does not exist.Jul 7 21:32:06 iPhone Preferences[255]: MIS: Using empty blacklist.Jul 7 21:32:06 iPhone Preferences[255]: MIS: Blacklist does not exist.Jul 7 21:32:06 iPhone Preferences[255]: MIS: Using empty blacklist.Jul 7 21:32:06 iPhone Preferences[255]: MIS: Blacklist does not exist.Jul 7 21:32:06 iPhone Preferences[255]: MIS: Using empty blacklist.Jul 7 21:32:06 iPhone Preferences[255]: MIS: Blacklist does not exist.Jul 7 21:32:06 iPhone Preferences[255]: MIS: Using empty blacklist.Jul 7 21:32:07 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: Added client:, count: 2Jul 7 21:32:07 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: Scanning for new OTA software update...Jul 7 21:32:08 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: Update found for scan options: Publisher: Apple Inc. HumanReadableUpdateName: iOS 10 Public Beta 1 ProductSystemName: iOS ProductVersion: ProductBuildVersion: 14A5297c ReleaseType: Beta DownloadSize: 1717928319 UnarchiveSize: 1836573696 MSUPrepareSize: 0 PreparationSize: 1836573696 InstallationSize: 693768192 UpdateType: Full Downloadable: Yes DownloadableOverCellular: Yes AutoDownloadableOverCellular: Yes StreamingZipCapable: 1 TotalRequiredFreeSpace: 2530341888 Documentation: hasReadMeSummary: Yes hasReadMe: No hasLicenseAgreement: Yes humanReadableUpdateName: iOS 10 Public Beta 1 SiriVoiceDeletion: 0 CDLevel4Deletion: 0 appDemotionDisabled: 0 installTonightDisabled: 0 rampEnabled: 1Jul 7 21:32:08 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: Ending/clearing any oustanding autodownload tasks and stateJul 7 21:32:08 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: Scheduled new manual wifi period ending: 14.07.16 21:32Jul 7 21:32:08 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: hasEnoughDiskSpace: actual free space: 9891442688Jul 7 21:32:08 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: hasEnoughDiskSpace: required space: 2580341888 Jul 7 21:32:08 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: hasEnoughDiskSpace: growth: 534384640Jul 7 21:32:08 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: hasEnoughDiskSpace: reported free space: 9734156288Jul 7 21:32:08 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: hasEnoughDiskSpace: we have enough space nowJul 7 21:32:08 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: device does have enough space for downloadJul 7 21:32:08 iPhone Preferences[255]: System container path is /private/var/containers/Data/System/64B40363-BD33-42B8-9DFF-FB61371D49AFJul 7 21:32:08 iPhone Preferences[255]: requiredSpace = 2580341888Jul 7 21:32:08 iPhone Preferences[255]: updatedSystemPartitionSize = 3645898752Jul 7 21:32:08 iPhone Preferences[255]: systemPartitionSize = 3111514112Jul 7 21:32:08 iPhone Preferences[255]: systemPartitionGrowth = 534384640Jul 7 21:32:08 iPhone Preferences[255]: requiredSpace = 2580341888Jul 7 21:32:08 iPhone Preferences[255]: hasEnoughDiskSpace: actual free space: 9891442688Jul 7 21:32:08 iPhone Preferences[255]: hasEnoughDiskSpace: required space: 2580341888 Jul 7 21:32:08 iPhone Preferences[255]: hasEnoughDiskSpace: growth: 534384640Jul 7 21:32:08 iPhone Preferences[255]: hasEnoughDiskSpace: reported free space: 9734156288Jul 7 21:32:08 iPhone Preferences[255]: hasEnoughDiskSpace: we have enough space nowJul 7 21:32:15 iPhone Preferences[255]: requiredSpace = 2580341888Jul 7 21:32:15 iPhone Preferences[255]: updatedSystemPartitionSize = 3645898752Jul 7 21:32:15 iPhone Preferences[255]: systemPartitionSize = 3111514112Jul 7 21:32:15 iPhone Preferences[255]: systemPartitionGrowth = 534384640Jul 7 21:32:15 iPhone Preferences[255]: requiredSpace = 2580341888Jul 7 21:32:15 iPhone Preferences[255]: hasEnoughDiskSpace: actual free space: 9891385344Jul 7 21:32:15 iPhone Preferences[255]: hasEnoughDiskSpace: required space: 2580341888 Jul 7 21:32:15 iPhone Preferences[255]: hasEnoughDiskSpace: growth: 534384640Jul 7 21:32:15 iPhone Preferences[255]: hasEnoughDiskSpace: reported free space: 9734098944Jul 7 21:32:15 iPhone Preferences[255]: hasEnoughDiskSpace: we have enough space nowJul 7 21:32:15 iPhone Preferences[255]: requiredSpace = 2580341888Jul 7 21:32:15 iPhone Preferences[255]: updatedSystemPartitionSize = 3645898752Jul 7 21:32:15 iPhone Preferences[255]: systemPartitionSize = 3111514112Jul 7 21:32:15 iPhone Preferences[255]: systemPartitionGrowth = 534384640Jul 7 21:32:15 iPhone Preferences[255]: requiredSpace = 2580341888Jul 7 21:32:15 iPhone Preferences[255]: hasEnoughDiskSpace: actual free space: 9891381248Jul 7 21:32:15 iPhone Preferences[255]: hasEnoughDiskSpace: required space: 2580341888 Jul 7 21:32:15 iPhone Preferences[255]: hasEnoughDiskSpace: growth: 534384640Jul 7 21:32:15 iPhone Preferences[255]: hasEnoughDiskSpace: reported free space: 9734094848Jul 7 21:32:15 iPhone Preferences[255]: hasEnoughDiskSpace: we have enough space nowJul 7 21:32:24 iPhone Preferences[255]: call_and_response: Error from serverJul 7 21:32:24 iPhone Preferences[255]: Can't find keyplane that supports type 4 for keyboard iPhone-Portrait-NumberPad; using 563160167_Portrait_iPhone-Simple-Pad_DefaultJul 7 21:32:32 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: Sytem partition growth = 534384640 bytesJul 7 21:32:32 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: Starting space checks for downloadJul 7 21:32:32 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: hasEnoughDiskSpace: actual free space: 9889792000Jul 7 21:32:32 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: hasEnoughDiskSpace: required space: 2530341888 Jul 7 21:32:32 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: hasEnoughDiskSpace: growth: 534384640Jul 7 21:32:32 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: hasEnoughDiskSpace: reported free space: 9732505600Jul 7 21:32:32 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: hasEnoughDiskSpace: we have enough space nowJul 7 21:32:32 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: Ending/clearing any oustanding autodownload tasks and stateJul 7 21:32:33 iPhone softwareupdated[49]: 6e12f000 : Unexpected XPC error on peer connection: Connection invalidJul 7 21:32:33 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: Download SUDownloadPhaseBrainExtracting phase completed.Jul 7 21:32:33 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: Software update download phase changed from SUDownloadPhaseBrainExtracting to SUDownloadPhaseFetchingQueuedLocal.Jul 7 21:32:42 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: Software update download phase changed from SUDownloadPhaseFetchingQueuedLocal to SUDownloadPhaseFetching.Jul 7 21:32:43 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: Software update daemon continuing to run - busy.Jul 7 21:32:58 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: Software update daemon continuing to run - busy.Jul 7 21:33:13 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: Software update daemon continuing to run - busy.Jul 7 21:33:28 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: Software update daemon continuing to run - busy.Jul 7 21:33:41 iPhone Preferences[255]: /BuildRoot/Library/Caches/[EAAccessoryManager _checkForConnectedAccessories]_block_invoke-632 ending background taskJul 7 21:33:42 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: Changed download options on MobileAsset download: { AssetVersionString = ""; DownloadOptionAllow2G = 0; DownloadOptionAllow3G = 0; DownloadOptionAllow4G = 0; DownloadOptionAllowBatteryPower = 1; DownloadOptionAllowRoaming = 0; DownloadOptionAllowWiFi = 1; DownloadOptionPriority = DownloadPriorityLow; }Jul 7 21:33:44 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: Software update daemon continuing to run - busy.Jul 7 21:33:59 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: Software update daemon continuing to run - busy.Jul 7 21:34:14 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: Software update daemon continuing to run - busy.Jul 7 21:34:29 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: Software update daemon continuing to run - busy.Jul 7 21:34:44 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: Software update daemon continuing to run - busy.Jul 7 21:34:59 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: Software update daemon continuing to run - busy.Jul 7 21:35:14 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: Software update daemon continuing to run - busy.Jul 7 21:35:29 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: Software update daemon continuing to run - busy.Jul 7 21:35:44 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: Software update daemon continuing to run - busy.Jul 7 21:35:55 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: Changed download options on MobileAsset download: { AssetVersionString = ""; DownloadOptionAllow2G = 0; DownloadOptionAllow3G = 0; DownloadOptionAllow4G = 0; DownloadOptionAllowBatteryPower = 1; DownloadOptionAllowRoaming = 0; DownloadOptionAllowWiFi = 1; DownloadOptionPriority = DownloadPriorityHigh; }Jul 7 21:35:59 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: Software update daemon continuing to run - busy.Jul 7 21:36:15 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: Software update daemon continuing to run - busy.Jul 7 21:36:30 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: Software update daemon continuing to run - busy.Jul 7 21:36:45 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: Software update daemon continuing to run - busy.Jul 7 21:37:00 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: Software update daemon continuing to run - busy.Jul 7 21:37:15 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: Software update daemon continuing to run - busy.Jul 7 21:37:30 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: Software update daemon continuing to run - busy.Jul 7 21:37:45 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: Software update daemon continuing to run - busy.Jul 7 21:38:00 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: Software update daemon continuing to run - busy.Jul 7 21:38:15 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: Software update daemon continuing to run - busy.Jul 7 21:38:30 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: Software update daemon continuing to run - busy.Jul 7 21:38:45 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: Software update daemon continuing to run - busy.Jul 7 21:39:01 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: Software update daemon continuing to run - busy.Jul 7 21:39:16 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: Software update daemon continuing to run - busy.Jul 7 21:39:31 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: Software update daemon continuing to run - busy.Jul 7 21:39:46 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: Software update daemon continuing to run - busy.Jul 7 21:40:01 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: Software update daemon continuing to run - busy.Jul 7 21:40:16 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: Software update daemon continuing to run - busy.Jul 7 21:40:31 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: Software update daemon continuing to run - busy.Jul 7 21:40:46 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: Software update daemon continuing to run - busy.Jul 7 21:40:58 iPhone Preferences[255]: /BuildRoot/Library/Caches/[EAAccessoryManager _checkForConnectedAccessories]_block_invoke-632 ending background taskJul 7 21:40:58 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: Changed download options on MobileAsset download: { AssetVersionString = ""; DownloadOptionAllow2G = 0; DownloadOptionAllow3G = 0; DownloadOptionAllow4G = 0; DownloadOptionAllowBatteryPower = 1; DownloadOptionAllowRoaming = 0; DownloadOptionAllowWiFi = 1; DownloadOptionPriority = DownloadPriorityLow; }Jul 7 21:41:01 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: Software update daemon continuing to run - busy.Jul 7 21:41:16 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: Software update daemon continuing to run - busy.Jul 7 21:41:31 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: Software update daemon continuing to run - busy.Jul 7 21:41:46 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: Software update daemon continuing to run - busy.Jul 7 21:42:01 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: Software update daemon continuing to run - busy.Jul 7 21:42:16 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: Software update daemon continuing to run - busy.Jul 7 21:42:31 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: Software update daemon continuing to run - busy.Jul 7 21:42:47 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: Software update daemon continuing to run - busy.Jul 7 21:42:48 iPhone softwareupdateservicesd[208]: Download failed with error: Error Code=-1 "(null)" UserInfo={NSUnderlyingError=0x13554ed10 {Error Domain=ASError Code=-1 "(null)" UserInfo={Operation=DownloadingAsset, NSUnderlyingError=0x1355541c0 {Error Domain=SZExtractorErrorDomain Code=2 "CRC mismatch (0x47c5229a | 0x4b6bb72a) for file AssetData/payloadv2/payload" UserInfo={NSFilePath=AssetData/payloadv2/payload, SZExtractorFileOffsetErrorKey=1713716159, SZExtractorSourceFileLineErrorKey=1206, SZExtractorFunctionNameErrorKey=-[StreamingUnzipper _supplyBytes:length:withReply:], NSLocalizedDescription=CRC mismatch (0x47c5229a | 0x4b6bb72a) for file AssetData/payloadv2/payload}}}}}Jul 7 21:42:48 iPhone Preferences[255]: requiredSpace = 2580341888Jul 7 21:42:48 iPhone Preferences[255]: updatedSystemPartitionSize = 3645898752Jul 7 21:42:48 iPhone Preferences[255]: systemPartitionSize = 3111514112Jul 7 21:42:48 iPhone Preferences[255]: systemPartitionGrowth = 534384640Jul 7 21:42:48 iPhone Preferences[255]: requiredSpace = 2580341888Jul 7 21:42:48 iPhone Preferences[255]: hasEnoughDiskSpace: actual free space: 9885339648Jul 7 21:42:48 iPhone Preferences[255]: hasEnoughDiskSpace: required space: 2580341888 Jul 7 21:42:48 iPhone Preferences[255]: hasEnoughDiskSpace: growth: 534384640Jul 7 21:42:48 iPhone Preferences[255]: hasEnoughDiskSpace: reported free space: 9728053248Jul 7 21:42:48 iPhone Preferences[255]: hasEnoughDiskSpace: we have enough space now Ipsw pro Itunes jsem bral zde: Code:

2 výsledky